Elena Johansen and Ying Feng (Parsons School of Design, New York). Virtual Social Performance

In our presentation, we argue that to counteract the isolation caused by COVID-19 quarantine, the “fissure” or “disassociation”, between technology and ourselves, is being diminished. In some ways, the Zoom self or Instagram* Live self has become the new self because we no longer have our public social existence. The content we see in the media is reflecting intimacy and rawness. While we are used to seeing social media influencers flaunting luxury, travel, and hyper leisure, now we are craving something entirely different, based on human interaction. We explore how and why with less public performativity a new level of ‘appropriateness’ must be met and monitored through an unofficial online policing. The current audience is less accepting of any flaunting of lifestyle that we were used to seeing pre-virus. Additionally, we plan to highlight a similar authenticity in television entertainment, especially in late night shows.

Elena Johansen>>
Ying Feng>>

* Instagram / Facebook принадлежит компании Meta Platforms Inc., которая признана в России экстремистской организацией, ее деятельность на территории РФ запрещена.