Our authors
Sergei Antonov (Queens College, City University of New York; affiliated scholar, History Department; Columbia University; adjunct assistant professor of history, The Harriman Institute; JD; PhD) saa2111@columbia.edu.
Amanda Brickell Bellows (New York Historical Society and New School for Social Research; postdoctoral fellow; PhD) bellowsa@newschool.edu.
Marc Buggeln (Humboldt University of Berlin; research fellow, Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities I; PhD) marc.buggeln@geschichte.hu-berlin.de.
Andre Cicalo (King’s College London; associate researcher at the Brazil Institute; PhD) andre.cicalo@gmail.com.
Alexander Dmitriev (leading researcher, Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, The National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow) dualis@mail.ru.
Anke Giesen (Otto-von-Gericke-Univer-sität Magdeburg; MA in Slavic Studi es) anke.giesen@st.ovgu.de.
Alexander Golts (Ezhednevnyj zhurnal, deputy chief editor).
Keila Grinberg (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO); associate professor, Department of History; PhD) keila@pobox.com.
Elena Filippova (The Institute of Anthropolog y and Ethnography, leading researcher; dr. habil.) elena_filippova89@yahoo.fr.
Paul Finkelman (Albany Law School; emeritus professor; University of Saskatchewan; visiting professor, College of Law; PhD) paul.finkelman@albanylaw.edu.
Vasiliy Filippov (The Institute for African Studies, leading researcher; dr. habil.) fvrd@rambler.ru.
Andrey Kabatskov (The National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm; assistant professor, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities; PhD) afsnik@gmail.com.
Artem Kravchenko (MSSES / RANEPA; MA in Public History) artemiosk-ravchenko@gmail.com.
Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk (The National Research University Higher School of Economics, assistant professor, Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design) elapina-kratasyuk@hse.ru.
Ilya Kalinin (SPbGU, Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences, PhD) i.kalinin@spbu.ru.
Ivan Kurilla (European University at St. Petersburg; professor; Dr. habil.) ikurilla@eu.spb.ru.
Oleg Leybovich (The Perm State Institute of Art and Culture; professor, head of Department of Cultural Studies and Philosophy; Dr. habil.) oleg.leibov@gmail.com.
Maria Mayofis (RANEPA (Moscow); associate professor, School of Public Policy; senior researcher, Laborato ry of Historical-Cultural Studies, School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities; PhD) mayofis-ml@ranepa.ru.
Vadim Mikhailin (Saratov Chernyshevsky State University; professor, Department of Russian and World Literatures, Institute of Philology and Journalism; D. habil.) vmikhailin@yandex.ru.
Oxana Moroz (RSUH; PhD) oxanamol@gmail.com.
Gert Oostindie (professor, Leiden University; Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Ca ribbean Studies; PhD) Oostindie@kitlv.nl.
Abram Reitblat (New Literary Observer; PhD) reitblat@nlo.magazine.ru.
Alexey Vasiliev (RSUH; Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (Poland); PhD) vasal2006@yandex.ru.
Marcus Wood (University of Sussex; associate professor, Department of English Language and Literature; PhD) M.M.G.Wood@sussex.ac.uk
Tomasz Zarycki (Warsaw University; professor; PhD) t.zarycki@uw.edu.pl.